I coded a little christmas greeting on the Commodore 64. The code and music are by me, the font in scroller is by Yavin
I didn’t manage to finish it before Christmas 2022, so it’s an early greeting for Christmas 2023 😉
The idea for the main effect popped into my head one day, about one week before christmas. I wanted to try and make a spinning christmas tree using a trick I used a long time ago on Eddies Adventure to stretch the logo in the intro:
Although the effect looks different, it uses the same trick, called Flexible Pixel Position (FPP). Like so many visual tricks in Commodore 64 demos, it depends on carefully timed manipulation of the video chip in the C-64. I plan to extend this post some day to explain the trick in more detail…
The tune is a cover of the end tune of ‘GGBond’: