This weekend I spent at X2024 in Someren, Holland. X is a bi-annual Commodore 64 demoscene event where creative enthusiasts gather from all over Europe (and some from further away even!). We get to meet friends we made online, talk to others who’s work we admire, and have a big shootout in one of the competitions. There are competitions for music and graphics, but the big banger on saturday night is the demo competition.

Last year I entered the demo competition with Staying Alive, this time I had an original tune for the music competition. By the time I got to the party my tune still had some large gaps that needed to be filled, but after a day of work on friday I managed to get something decent before the 19:00 deadline:

“Freakandel”, my entry for the music competition at X2024

Some more links:

Point of view of my laptop screen and Tubesockor

Polishing about 2 hours before the deadline. Tubesockor doing the same across the table.